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B7 Media

Media Training Tips: What Is It And Why You Need It

Whenever you speak to the media, it's a good idea to be prepared since your reputation is at risk. There are rules to learn and skills to practice, and when you speaking with the media, you have to speak their language and be prepared for the unexpected. The media is an interactive hybrid, a blend of TV, radio, Internet and social. The evolution of new media, the digital age and the 24/7 news cycle, the fundamentals of media relations are the same.

What Is Media Training?

Media Training is a form of communication training that prepares you interacting with the media. The goal is to enhance and polish your communication, and focusing on your key messages.

Why Media Training?

Media training can teach you how to use your body language, words and tone to deliver your message with ease and clarity. One of the biggest benefits of media training is you can develop your confidence in speaking with the media. Many people are get so nervous and overthink when it comes to interviews, and in particular, live radio or television.

Tips For Successful Media Training

Be prepared and know what your interview topic is about with questions and answers

Typically when you do a media interview, you were the one who pitched yourself to the media, so you know the reason for going on the show. Talking points (Q&A) are normally asked for prior to the interview so the journalist and you are on the same page. You normally have the questions and answers already in your head so this should be a confident interview. Make sure you review your notes and ALWAYS STAY PREPARED. Also, anticipate questions that you may or may not have prepared for, always stay ready with your interview so you don't have to get ready.

Have lots of energy, but be yourself

Its nothing worse then you trying to be someone else on TV. Do not overthink or underestimate yourself. Journalists can tell if you're being authentic or not, and your authenticity will be the difference from you doing the interview just one time, or being asked to come back. People watch TV to be entertained, informed and persuaded, give them what they are looking for in a light that best represents you. Just smile, and be yourself.

Be "Politically Correct" When Speaking To The Media

Be casual but don't get too comfortable and start using slang on TV. The media listens out for specific words that cannot be said on air, and if you say something that you might regret, you will be blacklisted and never asked to come back. That why it its important to have media training so you can communicate effectively and make sure everything that your saying makes sense and is not offensive or used out of context.

Understand That Interviews Could Be Cut Short/ Or Stopped Midway

Things happen, so if your interview is cut short, keep a smile on your face and remember the camera is always rolling! Don't take anything personal, and more than likely if that happens its an error on their end, and they will reschedule and ask you to come back!

Keep Your Answers Short And To The point, But Tell Your Story

Do NOT rant and talk forever. Answer the question to the best of your ability, elaborate, but don't bore them. There Is a fine line between giving "too much" information- and a such thing as being "too short." Hence, why media training is important so you can know what to say.

Listen To The Interviewer’s Questions Before You Speak

Be aware that a reporter may ask you the same question in a different way to get the response they’re looking for, that's why it's important to listen before you speak and when you answer, you then answer with a different angle but still get your story and point across.

The Microphone Is Always On, Producers Are Always Listening

When the producers put the mic on you, it's on. Refrain from saying anything that's out of context, even if you are not on air yet. The control room with the producers can hear what you're saying, so always be mindful that someone is always listening.

Dress For Success

Always be camera ready by making sure you re polished and ready to go on air. Outfits should be simple, polished but be you, so that you feel confident comfortable on TV. Always dress your best since you never know who's watching!

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